Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Head Games

I just had my first thirty mile week.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Since I've never been concerned with mile accumulation, I can't be certain this past week was the first time I've ever logged thirty miles over seven days.  I'm pretty sure it is, though.  I mean, thirty miles?!  That's pretty far.  Also, I don't know why I would choose to run that many miles without a particular goal in mind.  Let's just say, for simplicity's sake, this was my first thirty mile week.  Deal?

Trust me, I am painfully aware a marathon is only four miles shorter than this thirty mile accomplishment.  I get that, come April, I will run twenty-six miles in one day instead of in one week.  But that's still over five months away.  For now, I have thirty miles in one week and you know what?  I couldn't be more psyched about it.

This past week has taught me a few things:

1.  A foam roller is an ailing knee's best friend.  I've developed a serious love/ hate relationship with my foam roller.  Even though my friend told me a few weeks ago I needed to buy one, I refused.  I can be cheap sometimes, and I thought the $20 price tag for a foam roller was too steep.  So while I kept my $20, I suffered through an entire month of knee pain.  (Looking back, I think I spent the twenty bucks on Advil anyhow.  I'm an idiot.)  I finally caved and bought the foam roller at Target.  I read about half an article about how to use it to rehabilitate an inflamed IT band and then got rolling- literally.  The first time I tried using it, I rolled the length of my good leg; the one with the non-injured knee.  I wanted to know how a healthy leg should feel when you are massaging your IT band with a foam roller.  While I wouldn't say it was an entirely enjoyable feeling, it fell somewhere in the hurt-so-good range.  The other leg, though?  Yeah, that was an entirely different story.  I started with the foam roller at my ankles and then moved it up the outside of my leg.  Everything was fine until I got to about three inches above my right knee.  That's when I screamed a bunch of R-rated phrases I'm not going to type here because I know my mom reads this.  (Hi, Mom!)  Thank goodness my roommate wasn't home, because, if he was?  He would probably think I have a serious case of Tourette's or something.  That was one of the single most painful experiences of my life.  I'm not exaggerating, either.  That sucked.  It did, however, help my knee.  I woke up the next day feeling a little less sore.  I (painfully) kept foam rolling and, not surprisingly, felt stronger and stronger each day.  I ran 14.3 miles on Sunday, foam rolled after it, and had no knee pain afterwards.  Boo yah!  (Side note: Thanks, Parth, for the tip.  Next time, I will listen to your suggestions.  Well, that's probably not true.  But I promise to not blow them off entirely.  Either way, I owe you a beer.)

2.  I CAN RUN 14 MILES!  Maybe you didn't notice that in the big paragraph above.  I know-- it's kind of hidden among all those other words.  It's not your fault.  Either way, let me repeat: I ran 14.3 miles on Sunday.  I finally feel like I am training for a marathon!  I knew going into this training that running half marathons was something I could achieve, mostly because I'd done it before.  While I'd still like to knock some time off my half marathon PR, running a half is essentially checked off my athletic bucket list.  I assumed one of the biggest hurdles in prepping for a marathon would be comfortably running more than thirteen miles.  I was totally right about that.  I was at a very annoying thirteen-mile plateau before my run on Saturday.  I was cognizant that I needed to run farther than that, but I just hadn't-- and thought I couldn't, really.  Fortunately, I can be kind of a dumbass on occasion.  Believe it or not, that actually helped me this past weekend.  I went on a Castle Island loop run Saturday afternoon.  I knew that I wanted to run somewhere between seven and thirteen miles, depending on how my knee was feeling.  At the ten mile mark, I had no pain and a lot of energy, so I decided to add a lap around UMass Boston to my run.   I checked my phone running app quickly and then kept running.  My plan was to run around UMass until the app told me I had run twelve miles.  Then, at that point, I would head home.  But, here's the problem: the app never told me I hit twelve miles.  (Ok, what I really mean is that I never restarted the app.  Again, I can be a total dumbass.)  When I finally realized my error, I angrily restarted my app and ran back home.  By the time I reached my front door, the app chirped through my headphones that I had finally reached twelve miles.  Thanks.  I consulted Google maps to see how far I had gone between stopping my app and starting it up again, and that distance was 2.3 miles.  You can do the math.  I ran 14.3 miles.  Like a boss.  An accidental boss, but whatever.

3.  Running is all head games.  I feel pretty damn good right about now.  I reached two major milestones this past week... and had a few quality, pain-free runs, too.  With all apologies to LL Cool J, don't call it a comeback.  (I mean, you can call my accomplishments a comeback if you'd like.  I won't complain.)  I think, more than anything, this week has taught me that training for a marathon is about fifty percent physical and fifty percent mental.  I recently questioned my ability to complete the training and the Marathon, partially because of what was happening with my knee.  Now, after only one good week, I am totally confident I can do this and do it well.  Does this make me a head case?  Probably.  Either way, I need to make sure I am following a training plan that will make me feel strong, accomplished and kind of like I do right now: ready to go... and a little bit like a rap song.

Distance Tuesday (11/12): 3.82 miles (with Sole Train youth running group)
Time Tuesday: 47 minutes (12'18" splits)
Distance Thursday (11/14):  3.05 miles (with Sole Train youth running group)
Time Thursday: 40 minutes (13'07" splits)
Distance Saturday (11/16): 14.3 miles  PR distance!!
Time Saturday: 2 hours, 8 minutes PR time!!  (9' splits)
Cumulative Distance Since Blog Started: 56.19 miles
Cumulative Time Since Blog Started: 9 hours, 8 minutes

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