Thanksgiving is a time to eat, drink and be merry. In between stuffing your face full of carbs and booze, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to take a minute to reflect on all the things for which you're thankful. It's the right thing to do. Also, stopping to be thankful gives you a moment to breathe between mouthfuls of pumpkin pie and champagne. So that's helpful.
I'm thankful for a ridiculous number of things. I know Thanksgiving was a few days ago, but I don't think it's too late to give thanks. (Also, punctuality? Totally not my thing.) The following is not, by any means, an exhaustive list, but it's something. I'm thankful for...:
1. My family: They knew me when I was sporting the braces/ glasses/ frizzy hair trifecta and they still love me unconditionally.
2. My friends: We have more fun than other people. That's a fact. Also, my friends never tell me how crazy I am when I say things like, "I'm going to run the Boston Marathon!" Even if they do think I'm insane, they at least have the decency to say so behind my back. I appreciate that, guys.
3. My city: I know I complain about Boston sometimes, but I'm thankful this city has been part of my life for so long.
4. My bulldog: I am not currently thankful that my dog has somehow figured out how to snore louder than the football game I'm watching, but overall, he's a pretty great little dude. He's freaking adorable, too.
5. Beyonce: Do I really need to elaborate on this one? Come on.
Although I don't think it would ever make the top of the list, I'm also thankful for running... this year especially. It's interesting to be thankful for something you earn. No one is born a runner. Sure, there are people who have genetic advantages like long legs and lean limbs (boo to those people), but it's not like someone can wake up after years on the couch and go, "I'm going to run a marathon today." That's just not possible. I've earned every mile I've ever run. Two years ago, I started running on a treadmill. I distinctly remember the sense of accomplishment I felt after running my first 5k. I used my cell phone to take a photo of the treadmill's screen after that run and immediately sent it to my friend, Ben. "Bam! 3 miles!" was probably the text that accompanied that picture. Ben and I were both starting to run at this time, so we would text each other our mileage and stats after each run. This was the best motivation for me. I'm one of the most competitive people I know. Knowing Ben's running accomplishments pushed me to go faster and farther and to absolutely kick his ass. (Sorry, Ben.)
A few months ago, I deleted all the photos in my phone of treadmill screens displaying my running milestones. There were photos showing my first five mile run, six mile run and beyond. Don't get me wrong: I'm still really proud of those runs. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. Obviously, you have to run six miles before you can even think about tackling twenty-six of them. But let's pause for a second. Running, in isolation, sucks. Think about it: who would want to push themselves to the point where your muscles ache and it's hard to breathe? Why on Earth would anyone want to brave the cold, wind and rain to leave your house, run and then return to exactly where you started? All for the sake of what, really? Pride and accomplishment, that's what.
I am thankful for running because it provides me with an endless challenge. I can always run faster. I can always run more miles. And that's what I'm doing right now with my marathon training. I love running because I get to try and achieve a new goal each and every time I run. Trust me: I don't break new ground with each outing, but the thing is that I could. Running makes me feel accomplished. It makes me feel strong. It motivates me to do things I've never been able to do before. Running makes me aware of my body and thankful for the limits beyond which I can push it. (Not to mention it gives me a reason to wear running tights and flashy sneakers, like, all the time.) Some days, running kicks my ass and humbles me in ways that are too embarrassing- and frustrating- to write about. But, sometimes? Sometimes I push aside whatever is hurting and ignore that sense of doubt that creeps in when I start to get tired. Sometimes I am Superwoman. Sometimes I am confident enough to put my hand on my hip, look a challenge in the eye and say Bitch, please.
Who wouldn't be thankful for that?
Distance Tuesday (11/19): .90 miles (with Sole Train youth running group)
Time Tuesday: 12 minutes, 3 seconds (13'15" splits)
Distance Thursday (11/21): 2.39 miles (with Sole Train youth running group)
Time Thursday: 42 minutes (17'35" splits)
Distance Saturday (11/23): 10 miles
Time Saturday: 1 hour, 33 minutes (9'14" splits)
Distance Tuesday (11/26): 2.36 miles (with Sole Train youth running group)
Time Tuesday: 31 minutes, 33 seconds (13'21" splits)
Distance Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): 12.1 miles
Time Thursday: 1 hour, 42 minutes (8'25" splits... PR splits!!)
Distance Saturday (11/30): 5 miles (on a treadmill)
Time Saturday: 45 minutes (9' splits)
Distance Sunday (12/01): 3.2 miles (on a treadmill)
Time Sunday: 30 minutes (9' ish splits)
Cumulative Distance Since Blog Started: 92.14 miles
Cumulative Time Since Blog Started: 15 hours, 4 minutes
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