Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Das Boot and a few rules, too

I understand this blog is titled "Alissa Runs Boston 2014".  I know this-- I named it, after all.  When I started writing about running, my intention was to use blogging as a way to record the ups and downs of training for my first marathon, the 2014 Boston Marathon.  I'm not really sure why I felt the need to collect my thoughts about training, but I'm glad I did.  Not only was this blog a lot of fun to write, it allowed my readers (i.e. my mom) to get as close as possible to the Boston Marathon without actually having to run the race.  You're welcome, readers (Mom).

The other nice thing about my blog is it allowed me to figure out approximately when I broke my foot.

So, yeah.  That happened.

Back in this post, I noted how my heel began to hurt in early February.  I compared running with an injury to a boyfriend who was breaking my heart.  I stand by that comparison.  You know how, in a perfect world, your boyfriend (or girlfriend or spouse) helps make you into the best possible version of yourself?  Your other half challenges you, supports you and makes you feel so happy, it's as if you're dancing on a rainbow (or some crap like that)?  That's how running made me feel.  Running, but specifically training for the Boston Marathon, helped me become this stronger, more empowered, more badass version of myself.  Alissa 2.0 was also a lot happier than Original Alissa, too.  Running allowed me to set goals and then challenge myself to achieve them.  For the first time in a while, I was really freaking proud of myself.  Sure, I was stoked that I could log 50 miles in a week or 22 in an afternoon, but I mostly took pride knowing I was actively trying to be a better, stronger me.  (I realize how New Age and crunchy that sounds.  If it weren't so true, I'd delete it.)

When you run with an injury, running becomes a chore.  Simply, it fucking sucks.  From February on, my heel hurt so damn much and in ways I don't know how to put into words.  It hurt to walk.  It hurt to sleep.  It especially hurt to stand up after sitting.  My heel pain made me struggle through simple movements that I never even thought about until I had an injury.  I tried everything from shoe inserts to yoga to unhealthy amounts of ibuprofen to help mask the pain.  Nothing worked.  I kept training for the Boston Marathon for two reasons.  One, because I understood (and still understand) how special it is to have the opportunity to run that race.  People train their whole lives and don't run Boston.  I knew how lucky I was.  Two, I was running for a really great charity, Tenacity.  I really admire the work Tenacity does for my students and for kids all over this city, and I felt like bowing out of the Boston Marathon wouldn't reflect that.  All my training (and all my consequent suffering) was for my students.  Giving up on the race, injury or not, felt too much like giving up on them.  No fucking way I was going to do that.

I ran the Boston Marathon.  The whole.  Damn.  Thing.  And only 5 minutes off my 4 hour goal time!  Not too shabby.  Although incredible, the run hurt like a bitch and I wasn't able to walk for two days afterwards.  That's when I decided to finally go to a doctor.  An X-Ray showed a big ass crack running right through the middle of my heel.  And, just for good measure, Dr. McAwesome (not his real name, but it should be) confirmed I also tore most of the connective tissue in my right foot.  I guess that explains why it hurt to simply live.  Dr. McAwesome told me I needed to wear a knee-high walking boot for six weeks to assist in my recovery.  He also said in a very stern voice, "Now would be a good time to work on your upper body because you are not, under any circumstances, running or doing anything on that foot."  It's amazing how quickly he picked up on my stubbornness.

I did my best to adhere to Dr. McAwesome's orders.  This means I only took off my boot to attend multiple spin classes a week.  (I literally cannot sit still.  It's impossible.)  I wore my boot for six straight, long and awful weeks.  Not only was it really hot, but I quickly became aware of just how many stairs there were in my school and how hard it was to escort my classes from one floor of the building to another.  My kids got really good at doing the Ms. Ferro hobble.  I would have found their gimping around pretty funny if they weren't actually emulating me.  Sigh.

Life with Das Boot was interesting to say the least.  I quickly learned the heel of my cowboy boots gave me the same lift as did Das Boot, so the half cowboy/ half Robo Cop was my footwear game for most of my six weeks of confinement.  That's totally fashion forward, right?  Speaking of fashion, I tried to view Das Boot as an accessory when getting dressed up for my friend Becca's wedding.  I would try on a dress and then send a selfie to my girlfriends asking them which dress complimented Das Boot best.  The answer, of course, was no dress.  There is not a dress in the world that could make Das Boot look like an acceptable accessory for a wedding.  Can't say I didn't try.
I went with the sequined one.  My hope was that the sparkles would distract from Das Boot.  They didn't.
I'm always quick to crack a joke, and I certainly made many about wearing Das Boot.  I tried to laugh off the whole thing, but in real life?  I was miserable.  Not only did I have to hobble around, I couldn't run, hike or even easily go for a walk.  Pretty sure my bulldog gained a few pounds from our abbreviated walks during those six weeks.  Also pretty sure he appreciated the shorter walks.  I was supposed to do a Tough Mudder with my friends at the end of May, but obviously couldn't because of the whole broken foot thing.  I was pretty upset about it, really.  I went with my friends to Vermont anyhow to be part of their cheer squad (AKA Team Boozebag) and immediately faced an obstacle that would have never been such before: mud.  (I know, I know.  Mud at a Tough Mudder: shocking.  I didn't think the whole mountain would be muddy, though!)  If it weren't for my friend Matt carrying me over particularly large patches of mud, I would've had to spend my whole day at the starting line by myself.  So thanks, Matt.  Also, thanks for bringing Gatorade bottles half filled with vodka.  Those helped, too.
Waiting at the Tough Mudder for my friends to show up at some obstacle where they electrocute themselves.  Das Boot is wrapped in at least three plastic bags and I have a big ass walking stick.  In hindsight, I'm kind of winning here compared to the Mudders.

The strange thing hurting your foot and having to wear Das Boot for six weeks is, once that time is up, you're not totally healed.  It's not like I could immediately run 22 miles again.  I mean, my foot still ached, mostly because it had been trapped inside Das Boot for six fucking weeks.  I had limited mobility and a lot less stability on my right foot than I'd had before.  While I wanted to go out and run immediately, I couldn't.  It was so incredibly frustrating.  All I had wanted for six long weeks was to lose Das Boot and, now that it was gone, I still couldn't really do what I wanted to.  Running?  Ha!  I tried it after Day 5 of freedom and it was as embarrassing as it was painful.  I kept going to spin classes to keep up my cardio and started going to yoga to improve my flexibility.  I was itching to run in the worst way, but didn't.  I knew I wasn't ready.

I don't know what it was, but about three weeks post-boot, I just decided it was time to run again.  So I did.  On July 24, I ran 4 miles in 8'40" splits and felt like a damn boss afterwards.  I remember being physically exhausted by that run, but so mentally amped it was silly.  You'd think I'd just run the Boston Marathon or something.  I texted my friends screen shots of my stats from that run and was all, "Boom!  Check me out!  I'm back, bitches!"  Because they are good friends, they congratulated me and then warned me not to push it.  I had just gotten rid of Das Boot and the last thing I wanted was to be put back in it.

In the past few weeks, I've gotten back to running.  I ran a 5 mile race with my friend Mike in a decent time and, last night, even did two back-to-back runs of which I was super proud: 8 miles at a 7'55" average pace (!!!!!!) immediately followed by 1.54 miles at an 8'57" average pace.  (The second run was supposed to be a cool down, but I'm actually stoked on that time.)  Am I anywhere near running a marathon or even a half marathon?  Not in the slightest.  But I will be.  Soon.

I have two ultimate running goals.  First, I want to run a half marathon in under 1 hour, 45 minutes.  Second, I'd like to run a full marathon in under 4 hours.  Both things are absolutely going to happen.  I'm willing to train my ass off, but I learned from my marathon training, and subsequent injury, that I need to work differently.  While it's pretty badass to say I ran the Boston Marathon with a broken foot, I don't need to do that again.  That being said, here are a list of rules I intend to follow to help achieve my goals and to keep my body healthy:

1. Run Less; Go Faster:  Actually, this is kind of a goal, too.  Whatever.  Let's not split hairs, here.  Running excessively actually hurt me; it didn't make me a better, faster funner as I'd hoped.  I'll probably always be worried about re-injuring my heel, so I figure the best way to avoid that is by running less often.  This leads me to Goal 2...

2.  Cross Train:  I need to be stronger and faster if I want to achieve my two running goals.  Especially since I plan on running fewer days (and probably fewer miles overall), this means I will need to cross train the shit of things.  Spinning is great interval training and I'll try to do that once a week at the Handle Bar in South Boston.  (TBT rides with 90's jams?!  Sign me up!)  I'll continue with yoga at South Boston Yoga for flexibility, stretching and strength.  It's kind of unrealistic to think I'll be able to go to a regular spin class and a regular yoga class all while running with Sole Train two days a week after school.  I'll make a weekly commitment to practicing yoga, even if it's sometimes at home.  I also absolutely need to incorporate more hill running and stair sprints, too.  There is a lot of research regarding how stairs and hills are so good for runners, and it's probably about time I listen to some of it.  Hopefully, it will work out so I can go to November Project on Fridays and run (er, shuffle up) Summit Ave with that crazy crew.  If not, Moakley Park in Southie is a great spot for stadiums.

3.  No Back-to-Back Running Days:  Like, ever.  I need to let my foot recover from runs.

4.  Listen to My Body:  I totally expect things to ache and tweak after a workout-- that's all part of the process of becoming stronger and more fit.  It's ok for my body to say, "Ooooh... that feels funny."  Fine.  But when my body starts chronically hurting in the same way?  Yeah, I need to actually stop and give that some attention.  Ignoring my heel pain ultimately led to my injury.  Therefore, I, Alissa Ferro, solemnly swear that I will tough-it-out less and pay attention more.  If I forget about this (and I will), please show me Das Boot as a reminder.

5.  Run for Fun:  I never, ever want to run out of obligation.  I don't need to run, I'm choosing to do so.  I'm so glad I pushed through pain and completed the Boston Marathon.  That was important to me.  But I don't need to do that again.  I think if I follow the four rules above, I will be in a good position to never have to worry about this.  That's the plan, at least.

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